October 25, 2022

Overview of regional work in the new #SoS 2.0 digest

In 2022, a new three-year regional project, #SoS_project 2.0, was launched in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and South-Eastern Europe.
This is the largest Global Fund project on a regional scale, involving 14 countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Montenegro, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
In a prolonged military invasion situation, the Alliance managed to maintain the full-fledged project’s work and, more importantly, develop and launch new services for internally displaced persons and migrants. It is important to note that the manual developed in the previous project was used to implement this approach: “Guidelines for contingency planning in the provision of HIV-related services for key populations during COVID-19 and other emergencies”.

  • Cooperation and partnership
  • Progress on Goal 1: Institutionalize effective HIV response models and processes in the EECA region to influence the HIV care cascade in the region
  • Progress on Goal 2: Removal of barriers to services for key populations to promote quality health interventions based on human rights principles; overcoming gender barriers to services
  • Progress on Goal 3: Budget advocacy for sustainable services for key populations in the EECA region
  • Strategic initiative to digitalize the HIV response in EECA countries
  • Strategic Initiative for Emergency Response. A package of standardized services has been developed
  • Strategic priorities for 2023-2025

Read the Digest in a web browser

Thank you for your attention, and enjoy reading.

October 14, 2022

Impact of COVID-19 and war on HIV care

On October 13-14 European wide discussion on HIV health services was held at the5th EACS Standard of Care Meeting for HIV and Co-infections in Europe.
Nadia Yangol, program manager of the Alliance for Public Health, took part in the section «Impact of COVID-19 and war on HIV care». She spoke about the experience of Ukraine and partners of the regional project #SoS 2.0.
💬“It is impossible to evaluate what Ukrainian doctors, social workers, volunteers do every day, because the whole of Ukraine stands behind every saved life. The results cannot be estimated in numbers, although we can talk about 12 thousand people in 40 countries who received support, advice and service through Emergency Response Support #HelpNowHUB, but all this would not have been possible without the help of our colleagues and all the people who support Ukraine both at the beginning of the war and today, especially thanks to the developed European standards for treatment HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis and COVID.”
Session moderated by Teymur Noori (ECDC), Elena Vovc (WHO). We note that during the discussion, the speakers shared their experience and discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on testing services for HIV, hepatitis and as changes in related services through war and migration. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on testing services for HIV, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections in the WHO Europe. Speakers were speaking about Impact of the war on HIV delivery services in Ukraine, HIV among migrants in precarious circumstances in the EU and European economic area and Continuity of care in Europe: what is changing through migration, and about challenges and solutions.
October 07, 2022

SoS 2.0 and REAct invites human rights organizations in Azerbaijan to cooperate

Call for Proposals: Goal, Activities, and Expected Results
Goal of this call for proposals is to select country-coordinating organization (CCO), which will be responsible for sustainable functioning of REAct instrument for monitoring and response to human rights violations, stigma and discrimination against PLHIV and KPs when accessing HIV-related prevention and treatment services.
Grant amount for Azerbaijan for 2023-2024 is 70 000 USD.
Informational webinar for potential applicants 08 November 2022 at 11 am Kyiv time
Deadline for submission of full applications 14 November 2022 at 23:59 Kyiv time
Coverage: It is expected that documentation and responding will cover all key populations (people living with HIV, sex workers, drug users, men who have sex with men and trans* people) and most affected regions in the country. Country-coordinating organization may cover regions and key populations by its own resources or may collaborate with other NGOs and partners.
Call for proposals will support funding to projects, which will include ALL of enlisted key activities below:
• Establish monitoring network of REActors (outreach workers / paralegals / social workers / peer consultants) who have first-hand contact with communities and can provide legal support and consultations to them.
• Conduct trainings for REActors on how to provide basic legal support to clients and how to use online tool for monitoring (REAct).
• Elaborate partnerships and collaboration with other NGOs and service providers to enable referring of clients to receive requested legal, medical, social and psychological services.
• Conduct documentation of cases (clients’ stories of recently experienced human rights violations, discrimination, violence) on regular basis to online database REAct.
• Follow carefully data security protocol, coordinate users` access to data collection database
• Promote REAct services in order to inform bigger number of clients about available support
• Provide basic legal support (counseling on human rights, support with filling in basic legal documents, appeals, statements)
• Select strategic cases and provide professional legal support in the court
• Data check, validation and analysis and prepare statistic reports, presentations, case studies based on collected evidence
• Present collected data and evidence during country stakeholder’s meetings, keep CCM (Country Coordinating Mechanism) and other related institutions updated with collected statistics and violations on a regular basis
• Using collected evidence, initiate advocacy actions, change in legislation and regulations to reduce discriminations and legal barriers when accessing HIV-related services

The application and supportive documents should be submitted by e-mail not later than by 14 November 2022, 23:59 Kyiv time, at the address kalyniuk@aph.org.ua .

Questions regarding the call for proposals could be submitted at the same email address, until November 8, 2022. Q&A online file is available online: After the webinars a recording will be made available on the Alliance website.

Funding under this Call for Proposals is subject to provision of a grant by the Global Fund and is conditional onsuccessful applicants entering into a Grant Agreement with Alliance for Public Health. This Grant Agreement will contain details about eligible expenses, reporting, donor requirements and other obligations that successful applicant must adhere to.

October 07, 2022

SoS 2.0 invites partners in Azerbaijan to cooperate on the Fast-Track Cities component

Starting January 2023, the implementation of Fast Track Cities initiative is planned for Baku within SoS 2.0 regional program.

Info on global Fast Track Cities initiative: https://www.fast-trackcities.org/about
The text of Paris Declaration: https://bit.ly/3eagEx4

Goal of this call for proposals is to select country-coordinating organization (CCO), which will be responsible for implementation of Fast Track Cities initiative in Baku in 2023-2024 and reach expected outcomes stated below.

Implementation period: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2024

Target groups of project implementation: Mayor, Deputy Mayors, members of city parliament, heads of specialized deputy commissions, head of health department of city administration, representatives of NGOs and key populations.

FTC approach and plans for Baku in 2023-2024:
• Conduct baseline assessment on municipal response to HIV, budgeting, gaps, problems and challenges (the assessment tool will be provided by Alliance for Public Health).
• Advocacy work with Baku municipality to sign Paris Declaration on HIV by the Mayor of Baku in 2023.
• Establish municipal working group on HIV with inclusion of representatives from key affected populations.
• Make available HIV care cascade data on city level with disaggregation by KPs, age, gender.
• Develop municipal HIV program/plan aiming 95-95-95 and zero new HIV infections.
• Increase in municipal funding allocation to HIV programs – $ 500 000 cumulative increase during 2023-2024

Download all tender documents
The application and supportive documents should be submitted by e-mail not later than by 14 November 2022, 23:59 Kyiv time, at the address kushnir@aph.org.ua.

Questions regarding the call for proposals could be submitted at the same email address, until November 8, 2022.

September 14, 2022

Ukrainian civil society calls on the EU to pledge €715 million in the Global Fund

Ukrainian civil society and supporters from European organisations unfurled a giant Ukrainian flag on Square Schuman (Brussels) ahead of the State of the Union Speech which will be given by European Commission’s President Ursual von der Leyen on September 14. The flag, which aims to draw the attention of the EC President on the need to scale up investments in the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, carried the following message: “Dear European Commission, please pledge 715 million to the Global Fund. Ukrainian CSOs”.

This flag is a symbol of solidarity and shows Ukrainian civil society support for the work of the Global Fund. When the war started on February 24, Global Fund was the first donor to react quickly and effectively. Global Fund provided additional emergency funding to support ongoing programs. With its support we saved hundreds of thousands of lives of our clients, patients and their families members. Now it’s time to save 20 million lives. The Global Fund Replenishment is not measured in $ or €. It is measured in human lives and we shouldn’t allow anyone to cross from this list!“, – said Andriy Klepikov, Executive Director, Alliance for Public Health.

The action closed an international flashmob “Let’s win together: #FightForWhatCounts”, started in Kyiv and Lviv (Ukraine), and was part of Ukrainian civil society’s efforts to advocate for a fully funded Global Fund. It was launched by more than 100 Ukrainian NGOs with the support of European partners, as a follow up to an Open letter calling on the President of the European Commission and leaders of other Global Fund donor countries to increase funding for the Global Fund by 30%.

“As we have seen from numerous examples in the recent past, a country at war is also at risk of an increased spread of HIV amongst its population. Solidarity with Ukraine should include the fight against the HIV pandemic. Global Fund, having a great track record for their work in the EECA region, should continue to be a central instrument to combat HIV in the whole region, with special attention to the Ukrainian situation”, – said Pieter Vanholder, Executive Director, European AIDS Treatment Group.

Organizers of the international flash mob ‘Let’s win together: #FightForWhatCounts’: the Alliance for Public Health, Aidsfonds, the European AIDS Treatment Group and Global Health Advocates. 

Materials of the flashmob:  https://bit.ly/3Bx9vzH 

A new GF report: ow.ly/QLHu50KGyNz


Inna Gavrylova, Alliance for Public Health, +380 96 753 8150 (/WhatsApp), gavrylova@aph.org.ua 

Kasia Lemanska, Aidsfonds, +32 489 04 48 22, KLemanska@aidsfonds.nl 


August 26, 2022

The Alliance has attracted a new humanitarian support program worth 1.4 million pounds to Ukraine

In response to the humanitarian crisis caused by russia’s military aggression in Ukraine, the Public Health Alliance, with the financial support of Cristian AID and the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), launched a comprehensive program of humanitarian support in Ukraine during the war and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

So far, the project’s first stage, which lasted 3 months from June to August, has already been successfully implemented, resulting in more than 70,000 Ukrainians receiving real assistance. The total budget of the humanitarian investment amounts to 1.4 million pounds.

The main directions are support of vulnerable communities representatives, aimed at ensuring urgent humanitarian, social, and medical needs and dignified life in crisis conditions through implementing crisis response measures.

Andriy Klepikov, executive director of the Alliance for Public Health: “In the conditions of large-scale russian military aggression, millions of Ukrainians, who were living in difficult circumstances before, found themselves on the verge of survival. A humanitarian program supported by Christian Aid directs aid to those who need it most. For those who at the moment do not receive it from the state or international organizations. In the first months of its activity, the Alliance has already supported over 75 humanitarian projects to help communities and initiative groups across the country. This is a significant investment to support and restore Ukraine, and we are grateful to our partners for their trust and support.”

It is worth noting that the program’s approach to solving the crisis situation is distinguished by the support of community initiatives that independently find ways to improve life in war conditions. “This is a focused support of people’s natural ability to overcome difficulties and help each other in crisis situations, and this stimulates people’s faith in their own strength, encourages, and deepens the self-esteem in the community. Communities are rebuilding new lives independently, focusing on what matters most. Our task is only to listen to the needs and provide comprehensive support.”

“It is difficult for me to recall how our family survived the war,” said Ms. Olha, a mother of several children from the village of Stary Bilous, which was occupied by the russians in March, about her experience of receiving help from the “Nation Revival” organization. “I can only say that we didn’t move anywhere. It didn’t work out because the middle child had an appendicitis attack in the first days of the war, and he had to be taken to the hospital. He spent 10 days there, and then the bridges were already blown up, and there was no way to leave. It was challenging and scary for the small children. They saw how their neighbors’ house was on fire and spent the night in the basement, which was not suitable for this (it was freezing). However, I don’t want to mention all this again. Thank you very much for your understanding, help, and support. My children and I started the necessary treatment.”

And further on – even more support for Ukrainians. The program’s primary focus is helping internally displaced people and people who suffered from military aggression in Ukraine.

Maryna Varban, head of the Humanitarian Support Program of the Alliance for Public Health:

“We see the terrible humanitarian consequences of russia’s military aggression not only on TV as the whole world does. We live in these conditions and understand the extreme need for emergency intervention and provision of operational assistance to Ukrainians affected by the war. This support is essential for Ukraine. We will use all our experience working with HIV/TB programs so that everyone who needs help receives it as soon as possible. We focus on supporting the work of shelters, evacuation from war zones, direct humanitarian and social assistance, psychological and legal support.”


Cases of implemented support:

Shelter at the Mayak children’s camp in Poltava, with the support of the Public Health Foundation.

In Poltava, the camp director, at her peril and risk, accommodated people who arrived from Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kherson on the area of the children’s recreation camp. 70 people were housed, and 51 remained for permanent residence. These people do not have the opportunity to return home and do not plan to move further, so they put up with the realities as they can: they have started a little farm with vegetables and chickens and are preparing preserved food for the winter. They all live in one space, divided into two zones.

Of course, people did not have enough basic things to arrange their lives: they washed items and bedding by hand, use the only one refrigerator for everyone, there was a limited number of plates, and limited access to cooking appliances.

The application of the initiative group was supported, and a refrigerator, washing machine, induction stove, electric oven, and sets of pots and pans were purchased for the shelter.

 “When they brought the equipment, it was like a small holiday! The women, like little children, circled the plates and appliances. After getting permission to connect the refrigerator and washing machine with the electricity, our husbands did not have to ask too long. They quickly installed everything! Yesterday was the first day of washing!!! We made a schedule, and everyone is happy!!!”

Project “Modular Town,” Zaporizhzhia.

Since 2015, people who were forced to leave their homes in various regions of the temporarily occupied areas of Ukraine (Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhia regions) have been living in the modular town. In 2022, the town’s population grew several times, accepting new families who did not want to go further. Solving fundamental household problems of living is, of course, an urgent component of improving the quality of life.

Installation of stationary dryers on the territory of the Modular town situated on Steshenko st., 18 will help improve the level of life, the participation of residents in the project’s development, and its implementation will help integrate and unite those who have already lived in the town since 2015 with those who have just settled in it. 

Lyudmyla, volunteer coordinator of the town:” We learn “on the go”, we ask a lot of questions because none of the members of our group has experience in this kind of work. We were not ready for war, nor were millions of our compatriots. But today, we continue to expand the range of targeted assistance to internally displaced persons based on our modular town. However, sometimes, some such problems and issues cannot be solved together with the state – either there are no laws, or there are no instructions, or it is not on time. And here, volunteers or organizations like BO BF “Hope” come to the rescue and help us find a solution. And this time, they helped us with the development of the project, financing, and implementation of the installation of dryers on the territory of the town.”

About the Public Health Alliance

It should be noted that the Public Health Alliance team has more than 20 years of experience in implementing access programs and supporting treatment sustainability in HIV/TB programs. Today, our experienced specialists are working to assist those who need it most.

In particular, several initiatives and programs have been launched since the beginning of the war. The Humanitarian Convoy began its work, transporting more than 500 tons of cargo. A “special” long-distance flight was implemented for the transportation of 1.2 million tablets for the RRT programs, purchased by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Public Health Alliance, which will be delivered to 19 medical institutions in 6 regions of Ukraine for patients who were on the verge of interruption of treatment due to the war. The international HelpNow HUB emergency support program has been launched for Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad. More than 9,000 Ukrainians from 31 countries received assistance. Programs for prevention and access to treatment for HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and ART have been adapted, and psychological support programs, etc., have been expanded. More information on wartime work in Situation Reports >>>

Additional information about the Humanitarian Program is available here >>> 

Contact: Maryna Varban, project manager Varban@aph.org.ua 

July 28, 2022

“In Danger”: every minute = 1 death, the world needs immediate and decisive action

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) launched its annual report on the state of the global HIV response today ahead of AIDS 2022, the 24th International AIDS Conference, in Montreal, Canada, at a live event also livestreamed at www.unaids.org.

“For the 1st time UNAIDS releasing a global AIDS report with such alarming title – “In Danger”. This report is call for action. “I’m from Ukraine, the country facing Russian invasion. And for us it’s absolutly clear that being “In Danger” requires immediate and strong actions,” Andriy Klepikov, Executive Director of the Alliance for Public Health, said. “The report shows the fundamental mismatch. While we facing increase in new HIV infections, funding for HIV is decreasing. It is the exact time to highlight that future of AIDS response in the coming years will depend on successful The Global Fund replenishment, on raising at least 18 billion USD. Fight for what counts – this is true priority; this is very appealing to all of us in Ukraine. The report highlights the role of key populations. 70% of new HIV infections linked to key populations. That is where the funding should go. Invest times more in programs for people who use drugs, SW, MSM, transgender people.We are hoping for increased PEPFAR funding, and of course, funding to UNAIDS.”

Russian war in Ukraine brought incredible challenges. 100 000 PLWH used to leave in the territories directly affected by the war. We have 15 million IDPs and war refugees. UN forecasts are terrible – 9 out of 10 Ukrainians will face poverty by the end of the year. GDP will fall by 30%
Loses for health system are so severe. At the same time war demonstrated that in situation of the destructed health infrastructure civil society and community are the backbone for HIV response.

“In many difficult situation, when others say “no” civil society say “yes”. Social workers, case managers continue regular contacts with patients. Civil society did delivery of ART, procured by PEPFAR and Global Fund. For example we did emergency procurement, and with our vans we did delivery of opioid substitution therapy medicines, over 1 million tablets to the areas government logistic company refused to go due to risks. We did it! Civil society has motivation. Let’s be quick and effective. Together we will win!”

The proven package for success includes; community-led, people-centred services; the upholding of everyone’s human rights, the removal of punitive and discriminatory laws, and the tackling of stigma; the empowerment of girls and women; equal access to treatment including new health technologies; and health services, education, and social protection for all.

The new report, In Danger

UNAIDS data now show progress in prevention and treatment is faltering around the world, putting millions of people in grave danger. Action to tackle the inequalities driving AIDS is urgently required to prevent millions of new HIV infections this decade and to end the AIDS pandemic.
Globally the number of new infections dropped only 3.6% between 2020 and 2021, the smallest annual decline in new HIV infections since 2016. Eastern Europe and central Asia, Middle East and North Africa, and Latin America have all seen increases in annual HIV infections over several years.
Faltering progress meant approximately 1.5 million new infections occurred last year – over 1 million more than the global targets.

During the disruptions of the last few years, key populations have been particularly affected in many communities – with rising prevalence in many locations. UNAIDS data have shown increasing risk of new infections faced by gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM) globally. As of 2021, UNAIDS key populations data show MSM have 28 times the risk of acquiring HIV compared to people of the same age and gender identity while people who inject drugs have 35 times the risk, sex workers 30 times the risk, and transgender women 14 times the risk.

The report also shows that efforts to ensure that all people living with HIV are accessing life-saving antiretroviral treatment are faltering. The number of people on HIV treatment grew more slowly in 2021 than it has in over a decade. And while three-quarters of all people living with HIV have access to antiretroviral treatment, approximately 10 million people do not, and only half (52%) of children living with HIV have access to lifesaving medicine; the gap in HIV treatment coverage between children and adults is increasing rather than narrowing.

The AIDS pandemic took a life every minute, on average, in 2021, with 650 000 AIDS deaths despite effective HIV treatment and tools to prevent, detect, and treat opportunistic infections.

July 24, 2022

AIDS 2022: Ukraine in focus. Selected program sessions


29 JULY 10:30 – 12:00 (GTM -4) / Side event: Ukraine Emergency HIV and TB response. Let’s win together! ROOM: UNAIDS Meeting Room #2 or Join us LIVE at the link: https://bit.ly/3uXw7Wl 
30 JULY  9:15 – 10:15 (GTM -4) / Prime session: Indigenous responses to HIV; the opioid epidemic

13:00 – 14:00 (GTM -4) / Prime session: HIV in armed conflicts


 10:30 – 12:00 (GTM -4) / Workshop: Community-led human rights data for advocacy NOW: How marginalized communities are responding to rights violations impeding access to health and justice and implementing evidence-based

14:15 – 15:15 (GTM -4) /  Session: Nothing about us without us: Community-led responses and research


02 August 08:00 – 09:00 (GTM -4) / Satellite session: REPORT LAUNCH: Protectors or Perpetrators? The Impact of Unlawful Policing on HIV, Human Rights and Justice

An online broadcast of the session of my original is scheduled on the Facebook side: https://www.facebook.com/AlliancePublicHealth


DATE TIME: 29 July, 10:30 – 12:00 (GTM -4)

Join us LIVE at the link: https://bit.ly/3uXw7Wl 

Aim: Showcase heroic efforts to maintain HIV and TB services and community systems


Prior to the war, Ukraine was making strides towards ending HIV and TB, and was a champion in the region in terms of the sustainability of its response.

Since the start of the war in on 24 February 2022, more than 14 million people have been internally displaced or forced to flee to neighboring countries as refugees. These displaced people often lack access to health care, HIV and tuberculosis (TB) prevention and diagnosis services have been disrupted, and many people with HIV and TB have been forced to interrupt their treatment. Disruption of services and humanitarian deliveries continue to occur in areas of active fighting and on temporarily occupied territories.

Despite the many challenges, the Ukraine emergency response is an example of resilience, of what strong empowered communities can deliver, of the value of close coordination and partnerships between Government, civil society and communities, partners and donors. This event intends to share some of the lessons learnt through the emergency response in Ukraine and maintaining HIV and TB services in times of war.


Contact for media: Inna Gavrylova, Senior Communications Manager, Alliance for Public Health, gavrylova@aph.org.ua

July 11, 2022

Sex, love and COVID-19 before the war: presentation of a policy brief on the impact of COVID-19 on PrEP users in Ukraine

Dear colleagues and partners,
We are pleased to invite you to the webinar “Sex, love and COVID-19 before the war: presentation of a policy brief on the impact of COVID-19 on PrEP users in Ukraine”, which will be held on July 19, 2022 at 16:00 Kyiv time (EEST).
To register for the event, please fill out the form using this link: https://bit.ly/3yz8LXY

The webinar program:

ℹ️ 16.00 – 16.20 ℹ️ Welcome and opening words:
                              – Vitaly Djuma, ECOM,
                              – Larysa Getman, The Public Health Centre,
                              – Olga Denisyuk, Alliance for Public Health,
                              – Ioannis Mameletzis, WHO Ukraine.
                              ℹ️ Moderator: Nikolay Lunchenkov ECOM
ℹ️16.20 – 16.30 ℹ️ Presentation of the study’s results: “COVID-19, sexual behaviour and intimate partner violence among PrEP users in Ukraine”
                              – Nikolay Lunchenkov MD – LGBT Health coordinator, The Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity
ℹ️16.30 – 16.40 ℹ️ The impact of COVID-19 on intimate partner violence
                              – ПProf. Dr. Janina Isabel Steinert – Assistant Professor at the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology, Technical University of Munich
ℹ️ 16.40 – 16.55 ℹ️ The impact of the war on access to PrEP among key populations in Ukraine
                 – Larysa Getman – Head of the HIV Management and Response Department of the Public Health Centre, Ministry of Health of Ukraine
ℹ️16.55 – 17.10 ℹ️ Access to PrEP among MSM in Ukraine during the War: New Challenges for NGOs
                              – Andrii Chernyshev, Alliance Global
ℹ️ 17.05 – 17.25 ℹ️ Q&A Session  💬💬💬💬💬💬💬💬💬
ℹ️ 17.25 – 17.30 ℹ️ Closing remarks
                              – Nikolay Lunchenkov, ECOM
The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the health and well-being of LGBT people around the world, including in Ukraine. To assess the health effects of the pandemic, a study on how COVID-19 impacted PrEP users in Ukraine was conducted by Alliance for Public Health together with ECOM — the Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM) in partnership with national organizations in Ukraine and the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology, Technical University of Munich. Data collection was completed three days before the full-scale war and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
We understand that war is even a bigger crisis than the COVID-19 pandemic, so we need to respond to this crisis now. That is why during the webinar we will not only present the results of this study, but will also discuss the impact of the war on the health of PrEP users in Ukraine. We will also talk about the steps that we can take together to reduce the impact of the war on people’s health in Ukraine.
The webinar is organized by ECOM — the Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM) and Alliance for Public Health.