for key populations in EECA region (#SoS_project)

“#SoS_project will be financed by the Global Fund to the maximum extent possible – $13 million, with a focus on 14 countries and 25 cities in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia! The next three years will require tremendous efforts from the whole team, as there has not yet been a project of such an unprecedented scale, goals and level of partnership in the EECA region. And we gladly accept this challenge!»
The implementation of the three-year project will be coordinated by the Alliance for Public Health, in a consortium with the 100% Life (All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH), the Central Asian HIV’ Association and the Eurasian Key Populations Health Network, with the participation of national governmental and non-governmental organizations, regional key populations networks , international agencies and organizations, as well as technical partners.
Donor: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Project implementation period: 3 years, 2019-2021
Improving financial sustainability and effectiveness of HIV programs
Reducing existing legal barriers and respecting the most important human rights for access to HIV prevention services and care
Improving the efficiency and accessibility of HIV services delivery models (testing and continuous care) for key populations
Project focus:
13 countries:
Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
20 cities:
in the EECA region, with the highest prevalence of HIV infection:
- Osh (Kyrgyzstan)
- Minsk, Soligorsk and Svetlogorsk (Belarus)
- Tashkent and Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
- Dushanbe (Tajikistan)
- Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Podgorica, Bar, Bijelo Polje (Montenegro)
- Belgrade, Novi Sad, Šabac, Prokuplje, Zaječar, Loznica (Serbia)
- Chisinau (Moldova)
>$10 million
absolute increase in national funding for HIV/AIDS programs for key populations from national, regional, municipal budgets
$73,4 million
will be saved through optimized procurement schemes for ARVs
280 thousand PLHIV
will know about their HIV status in 25 cities of the EECA region, with the highest HIV prevalence rate (over 3 years it’s planned to increase 45%)
90% of PLHIV on ART
- developing strategies for optimizing the cost of ART regimens that will reduce the average cost of first-line ART;
- development/updating of the functional mechanisms of public procurement of services for the prevention and care and support services from NGOs;
- the creation and functioning of working groups/urban coordination councils on HIV/AIDS issues for the implementation of an action plan for HIV/AIDS;
- introducing new strategies for detecting HIV cases and starting antiretroviral therapy for key populations;
- implementation of the urban HIV/AIDS program to fill gaps in the current municipal response;
developing and conducting operational research to improve coverage of key groups and the treatment cascade; - launching a monitoring system for the cascade of HIV treatment at the city level;
- provision of legal assistance in cases of violation of the rights of key groups;
- establishment of a Regional Commission on Drug Policy in the EECA region.
- TBpeople
- i+Solutions
- Frontline AIDS
- Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM)
- Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA)
- Eurasian Network of People Who Use Drugs (ENPUD)
- Georgian harm redaction network (GHRN)
- Positive Initiative
- Association Partnership Network
- Центр общественного здоровья МОЗ Украины
- СПИН Плюс
- Republican Center to Fight AIDS of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- SPIN Plus
- Stronger Together, Association for Support of PLH
- Timok Youth Centre – TOC
- Humanitarian Action
- Association Partnerships in Health
- Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation
Technical partners:
Photo report of the launch meeting
Project director – Sergiy Filippovych, MD, MPA
Project news
National Preventive Mechanism: Experience of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ruslan Poverga: “When circumstances force, everything is resolved quickly.”
Declaration or Decoration of Human Rights?
Mayors, vice-mayors of the EECA and Balkans region: aggravation of the situation with human rights violations, the fight against HIV and health issues of migrants during the period of COVID-1
Principles of sustainability: 150 experts to discuss progress on HIV response during COVID-19 at the international forum in Istanbul
Serbia becomes the second country in the world by the number of partner cities of the Paris Declaration
Kryvyi Rih is among the partner cities of Fast Tack Cities!
Former President of Poland Aleksander Kwaśniewski to chair the Eastern and Central European and Central Asian Commission on Drug Policy
Get Unmuted or Voice of Harm Reduction over Europe: Prague hosts #EHRC2021
Former President of Poland Aleksander Kwaśniewski to launch the regional Commission on Drug Policy (ECECACD)
Aibar Sultangaziev: “In Kyrgyzstan, over 3 years ARV treatment has become more affordable, and state support for social services has been expanded 3 times”
Fast-Track Cities 2021 Global Conference: Best Practices in the Fight Against AIDS and EECA Countries’ Contribution to the 95-95-95 Goals
Alliance for Public Health Launches Second Regional Program of the Global Fund on COVID-19
Elimination of stigma and discrimination and achievement of indicators 95-95-95: Kyrgyzstan sums up the fight against HIV/AIDS and prepares for a new Strategy
Speed and results: Osh city received the #InYourPower regional award for its contribution to the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic
Bishkek will host high-level meeting on progress in fight against HIV/AIDS in Kyrgyzstan
Round table “Accelerating the response to the HIV / AIDS epidemic” will be held in Osh city/
Alliance and IAS will hold Regional Dialogue on Progressive Approaches to HIV Diagnostics and Treatment
Open dialogue on preparation proposal under the Global Fund’s COVID-19 Response Mechanism
MPP Signs Agreement on Generic Dolutegravir for Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Malaysia
The rights of women who use drugs will be discussed at a side-event of the 64th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Abandoning the repressive drug policies will allow saving the total of €12.34 billion in 4 EECA countries and curbing the HIV/AIDS epidemic
Drug control policies in EECA: presentation of the study by The Economist (online discussion)
PrEP pilot is launched in North Macedonia with the #SoS_project support
#ItsinYourPowertoLive – the topic of the special broadcast To Tell the Truth on AIDS Day
The sixth regional digest overview has been released by #SoS_project team
Lyubov Vorontsova: Ensuring sustainability of HIV and COVID-19 services in prisons is possible
NGOs from EECA countries have stood up to the challenge not only of HIV, but also of the first wave of COVID-19. But that’s not enough
Practical Recommendations to reshape a sustainable response to HIV/TB/HCV in the EECA countries within Covid-19 context
COVID19 lessons: what can make the HIV programs in the EECA countries more sustainable? (LIVE discussion)
How to Ensure Sustainable Work of Human Rights Protection Projects in new COVID-19 Reality
The Fourth Regional Digest Has Been Released by #SoS_project Team
Announcement of materials of the #SoS_project regional digest #4
2020 is the year of sustainable leadership and effective partnerships!
Mayor of Skopje signed the Paris Declaration to end AIDS
On January 9, 2020, the Mayor of Skopje, Petre Shilegov, and Konstantin Voytsekhovich, adviser of the UNAIDS Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, signed the Paris Declaration to end AIDS in the capital of North Macedonia.
Broad implementation of self-testing and PrEP will fast-track the EECA region progress in combating AIDS
On December 16-17, 2019 in Istanbul the Regional Consultation for Eastern Europe and Central Asia took place on «Development and adaptation of national HIV guidelines, including self-testing (HIVST) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)»./ More
In Kyiv, the mayors of 9 EECA cities discussed efficient strategies and perspectives of the region in solving the HIV/TB problem
The capital of Ukraine has become a focal point of new record setting and a venue to present an effective package of working interventions, highlight the strength of political will to support decision-making on HIV and TB and the leadership in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, as well as the Balkan region.
Press Release: EECA City Health Leadership Forum in ending AIDS and TB will take place in Kyiv
On December 6, 2019, the International Forum on ‘Cities’ Leadership in response to the HIV/AIDS and TB Epidemics’ will take place in Kyiv (Ukraine). It’ll be visited by cities’ mayors, representatives of the international, national organizations from 50 cities of the world. The focus is: innovations, technologies, municipal funding, and political leadership of the cities; mayors.
Balkans set up the record: 3 cities of Montenegro signed the Paris Declaration to end AIDS
On December 2, 2019, the unprecedented signing of the Paris Declaration in the Balkans took place.
The second city in Belarus joined the Paris Declaration to end AIDS epidemic
On November 26, 2019 UNAIDS coordinator in Belarus Vera Ilyenkova and the head of Svietlahorsk district executive committee (city mayor) signed the Paris Declaration to intensify the activities in cities aimed to end HIV/AIDS epidemic./ More
#SoS_project team releases the third regional overview digest
The regional #SoS_project team continues to advocate for the sustainability of HIV services at the regional and national levels in Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Northern Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia,…
#InYourPower: a new dialogue between the state and civil society in the fight against HIV
On October 2, the team of the regional project “Sustainability of Services for Key Communities in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region” (# SoS_project) announced the launch of the “It’s in Your Power…
Developing a dialogue: civil society and states in the fight against HIV (webinar)
In countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, as well as the Balkan region, the transition from international support to state funding of HIV/AIDS programs, formed in recent years with the support of international donors, is undergoing various stages: somewhere it has just begun, and somewhere there are already results.
Unit costing of services for KP in Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina is being done with the #SoS_project support
Transition process from donor to national funding for HIV/AIDS programs is currently taking place in the Balkan region countries, as well as the Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
The Paris Declaration will help to improve the situation with HIV in Tajikistan
Over the past year, a number of publications have appeared in the Tajik media on the topic of recording an increase in the number of criminal cases for knowingly transmitting HIV infection. All of them tell about the application of Article 125 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of Tajikistan and the hypothetical “exposure to the danger of infection”.
The progress of EECA cities in the fight against HIV was presented at Fast-Track Cities 2019 in London
On September 9, 2019, the official opening of the Fast-Track Cities 2019 conference took place in London. #FTC2019 will run until September 11, 2019. More than 700 participants from more than 300 cities of the world, including mayors of large cities, experts of public activists, representatives of municipal health care structures, regional networks of communities and organizations from around the world, came to the capital of UK to share their experience in implementing effective responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic on city level.