November 28, 2016

Interactive Map of Opioid Antagonist Treatment (OAT) Sites in Ukraine

Interactive map of all OAT sites in Ukraine (as of September 1, 2016) was developed by the team of Expanding Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) in Ukraine (ExMAT) research project implemented within the partnership with the Yale School of Medicine (USA).

The map contains information on each region of Ukraine (estimated number of people with opioid addiction; % coverage with OAT program from the estimated number of people with opioid addiction etc.) as well as information on each of the 176 AOT sites countrywide: address and contact information of the site; number of patients on methadone (both liquid and tablet forms) and buprenorphine; average dosages of AOT drug per site; number of patients on prescription/home-care type of OAT drug intake; number of patients with HIV/HCV etc.

The link to the map is:

November 24, 2016

Second School for Trainers “Tolerance and Non-Discrimination”

On 21-25 November 2016, Kyiv hosts the Second School for Trainers “Tolerance and Non-Discrimination” (School) in partnership with five organizations – International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health”, USAID HIV Reform in Action Project (Deloitte), Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM), All-Ukrainian Charitable Organization “Initiative for Life” and the Coalition for Combating Discrimination in Ukraine.

This School is organized to train the regional activists of HIV service organizations, who are interested in the development of trainers’ skills and plan to hold trainings on Tolerance and Non-Discrimination.  Among 27 participants of the School there are representatives not only from Ukraine but also from other countries of the Eastern Europe: Georgia, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan.

Such School for Trainers is held for the second time already, with the participants of the first cycle invited as trainers to conduct some sections. Such format allowed alumni of the first training cycle to improve their professional competence and qualification six months after their “graduation”, with an opportunity to receive supervision as well as feedback. As for organizers and the trainer team of the School, they could see the results of their work.

There were 70 applications to take part in the School, with participants selected among those candidates who demonstrated high level of motivation and willingness to implement the knowledge and skills acquired in their further activities.

The participants learn to raise awareness and change attitudes among such challenging groups as public officials, healthcare workers, enforcement officers, educators, and mass media representatives.  Future trainers have an opportunity not only to be participants of the training and learn the theory of Tolerance and Non-Discrimination, but also to conduct their own sessions and get feedback from their supervisors.

Elena German, organizer and trainer: “Often HIV service organizations have to prove that their activities are important and high-priority. After graduating from our School, the participants will not only be able to conduct trainings but also, through formation of tolerant attitude among public officials, to contribute to the sustainability of their organizations.”

Nina Verbitska, trainer: “At the training, we unite people who think and care, who do not want and are not ready to remain silent.”

Armen Aghajanov, PINK Armenia: “I saw the information about the School for Trainers on Facebook. I applied as I have been an activist for a long time, but have never took part in trainings for trainers. What I appreciate about the School is that it gives practical skills and knowledge. This School combines theory and know-how which may be used in the trainers’ activities.” 

Aleksey Rulev, Kryvyi Rih branch of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH: “Participation in the School allows coming to a single conceptual framework of tolerance and non-discrimination. I want to start a career of a trainer to deliver trainings on non-discrimination for doctors and educators in my home town.”

November 21, 2016

The Third National HIV/AIDS Conference Started Its Work

Andrey Klepikov, Executive Director of Alliance for Public Health, delivered a speech at the plenary session of the first day of the conference.

On 21 November 2016, the Third National HIV/AIDS Conference “For Each Life Together: Fast Track to 90-90-90” started its work in Kyiv. The event gathered experts and community representatives from Ukraine and from all over the world to analyze the challenges related to the HIV epidemic, which Ukraine faces at the stage of government reforms, European integration and shrinking resources in the context of financial and military crisis.



The aim of this annual conference is defining the perspectives in achieving the global fast track targets in overcoming the HIV epidemic by 2030 and searching for the ways to use best practices aimed at ensuring sustainability and effectiveness of the response to HIV epidemic in Ukraine.

On the first day of the conference, Andriy Klepikov, Executive Director of Alliance for Public Health, delivered a speech at the plenary session. In his presentation, he focused his attention on the achievements of prevention programs for key populations and the challenges which should be overcome to achieve the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets as well as the innovative approaches implemented by Alliance. Such approaches include assisted testing, which allowed increasing the number of clients screened for HIV by 250% in the first 9 months of 2016 as compared to the same period of 2014. Another approach allowing to significantly increase the effectiveness of referral of people who test positive for HIV is case management – in 9 months 2016, 68% of clients who worked with case managers were registered at healthcare facilities, among them 91% started treatment (as compared to the clients who received rapid test results but were not enrolled into the case management project – only 17% of them were registered at healthcare facilities and only 43% of those who sought confirmation of the diagnosis in specialized treatment institutions actually started treatment).

Special focus was made on Alliance activities in the military conflict areas in Eastern Ukraine, where 11 civil society organizations continue receiving support in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. In 9 months 2016, prevention services were provided to 40,411 members of key populations in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, with 372 people testing positive for HIV, who were all referred for further diagnostics.  At the temporarily uncontrolled areas, clients received 4,129 counseling sessions of psychologists, 1,132 counseling sessions of medical workers with the delivery of medicines and healthcare goods and 2,419 food and hygiene kits.

“Thanks to the international donors and partners, who landed their shoulders to us during the hard times, Ukraine held out, – stated Andriy Klepikov in his speech. – Our country is now at the crossroads. The resources are shrinking, with the epidemic concentrated mainly in high-risk groups. We need to define and concentrate on the most effective activities and interventions. This conference really united Ukraine, today in this room there are representatives of civil society organizations from the occupied Crimea and temporarily uncontrolled areas of the Eastern Ukraine. Only together, with our joint efforts, we will overcome the epidemic.”

Also, a speech at the plenary session was given by an Alliance employee, Anton Basenko, as a member of the Communities Delegation to the Board of the Global Fund.


Materials from Andriy Klepikov’s presentation:

November 11, 2016

Good News: HCV Treatment Is Becoming More Accessible

Scale up of HCV treatment with highly effective drugs is well on the way in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA).


Alliance for Public Health in collaboration with the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPCru) and more than 17 partner organizations updates the report “Hepatitis C in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Civil Society Response to the Epidemic”.

There have been positive changes during the recent two months since the date of last publication which we would like to present:

–          Interferon-free regimens of hepatitis C treatment are accessible in 9 of 11 EECA countries.

–          In the countries of the region there is a burst in the registration of the generic versions of direct-acting antivirals. The leader in registration of generics is Kyrgyzstan (5 generic versions of sofosbuvir and 3 generic versions of sofosbuvir/ledipasvir combinations).

–         Two sofosbuvir generics and a daclatasvir generic were registered in Moldova. Neighboring Belarus also registered a generic version of sofosbuvir.

–          At the end of September 2016, European Association for the Study of Liver (EASL) undated its guidelines on HCV treatment, stipulating 8 peg-interferon-free HCV treatment regimens for six virus genotypes.

To learn more interesting facts, recommendations to countries on how to scale up the access to treatment, and the best advocacy practices, read our report.

November 11, 2016

Decline in HIV/TB Funding – Deadly Impacts Are Evident.

At the meeting, Financing HIV and TB Services and Advocacy in Middle Income Countries: Developing an Action Plan, which was recently held in Amsterdam, civil society and community leaders from 35 countries called on international donors and implementing governments to meet their commitments to fund HIV and TB programs in middle-income countries.

Meeting participants are indignant with the reduction in program funding by USD 1.1 billion in 2015. The World Bank classification used by the Global Fund and other donors is based on a simplistic and crude per capita income estimate. According to experts, it is not appropriate for assessing health needs. “Middle income” countries are home to most people living in poverty and the majority of all people living with HIV and TB.

The consequences of funding cuts are evident in many countries where transitions have already taken place. For example, after the Global Fund stopped funding harm reduction programs in Romania, the percentage of new HIV infections related to injecting drug use rose from 4.2% in 2010 to 49.2% in 2013.

In Ukraine, Alliance for Public Health supported this call for action.

You can read the detailed text here.

To support the call, please send a request to

November 01, 2016

Ukraine is on the way to fulfill obligations on OST

Ukraine is on the way to fulfill its obligations to provide funding for opioid substitution treatment!

Some days ago, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine finally approved their joint order “On Introducing Amendments to 2016 Budget Program Passport” N 1128/888, which for the first time stipulates allocation of budget funds (UAH 13 million) to procure methadone for 7,300 patients of opioid substitution treatment (OST), which is an evidence-based method of HIV/AIDS prevention and drug treatment in Ukraine.

We would like to remind that in accordance with the 2014-2018 National HIV/AIDS Program, this year 16.200 patients were supposed to receive OST, in particular with medications procured with budget funds, but due to the lack of state funding and strict regulation of controlled drugs the actual number of such patients today is only 8,900 people.

There were some unpleasant incidents during negotiation and approval of the new Budget Program Passport. Thus, in the list of criteria of the passport it is mentioned that the budget will cover OST only for “patients with HIV/AIDS”, though currently only 40% (3.3 thousand) patients who receive methadone comply with this criterion. We sincerely hope that the Ministry of Health will promptly correct this technical error and will not impose discriminative restrictions to limit access to OST for the remaining 4 thousand patients with no HIV-positive status.

On 28 October 2016, the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine N 1011 dd.  29.09.2016 “On Approval of the Methodology to Calculate the Need in Substitution Maintenance Drugs for Patients with Mental and Behavioral Disorders Caused by the Use of Opioids” came into force, which will allow to calculate the real needs to procure OST with budget funds in future. This methodology is based on the recommendations and estimates used by Alliance for Public Health to procure methadone within the Global Fund-supported program.

It should be mentioned that the stock of OST drugs procured by Alliance with support of the Global Fund should be enough to cover the OST needs at least till the end of the first quarter 2017!

We would like to remind that on 22 August 2016 the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) sent an official letter to Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine for Humanitarian Affairs, Pavlo Rozenko, emphasizing the real threat for Ukraine to lose non-repayable financial aid in the amount of USD 27 million (15% of the total amount of 134-million-dollar grant) in case of failure of the Government to comply with its previous obligations undertaken in 2015 to provide funding for the OST program. During further visits of the official delegation of the Global Fund to Ukraine, Government officials and representatives of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine confirmed their previous commitments!

October 21, 2016

Harm Reduction Academy has started Cycle 2

The International learning course Harm Reduction Academy has opened its doors again: Module 1 of Cycle 2 has started on October, 17th in Kyiv.

Harm Reduction Academy (HRA) is a global learning, dialogue and skills building course established with the vision to end AIDS and eliminate Hepatitis C among people who inject drugs.

Over the course, three exciting weeks will be dedicated to lecture hours, combined with practical field visits in three countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.

After the Cycle 1 which took place in March-June, 2016 and inspired a huge attention, the Harm Reduction Academy continued its work and brought together a multinational audience for Cycle 2:

15 most distinguished participants from Cambodia, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, UK and Ukraine.

. The Cycle 2 participants are the leaders and key advisors of national NGOs, leaders of national and regional Key Populations networks, programme managers, advocacy managers, business owners, national government officials, city council officials.

The Harm Reduction Academy offers a unique combination of:

  • International Harm Reduction Scope,
  • Uniting theory and practice,
  • Learning the decades of experience in 3 weeks.

Feedback from a participant of Cycle 2:

“What impressed me most has been a wide comprehensive range of harm reduction interventions that we have been able to cover. Having done the Academy, when I return, I am going to be a lot more assertive about how I go forward strategically and implement harm reduction in our strategic thinking…”            

Mags Maher, Coordinator, EuroENPUD

Diverse international experience and peer exchange will equip our Students to find the optimal solution for every challenge in their harm reduction work:  the programme planning, communication with stakeholders or organisational and managerial issues in the scarce resources.

Our trainers are the leading program developers and activists having profound harm reduction expertise.

Pavlo Smyrnov from Alliance for Public Health (Ukraine) has experience in health policy and strategical planning, finance management, project development and management. Mr.Smyrnov has good knowledge of study design, research and M&E methodology, statistical analysis, also he has a good understanding of statistics, biostatistics and epidemiology.

Vyacheslav Kushakov from the Alliance for Public Health (Ukraine) will share his extensive experience of work with non-governmental as well as governmental entities in a variety of fields ranging from academic research and sociological explorations of gender, to development, management and evaluation of complex HIV prevention and care programs and projects, with particular focus on vulnerable and marginalized communities.

We will be involving other great speakers and harm reduction experts presenting experience of their work in Ukraine and internationally.

The Harm Reduction Academy has announced the call for applications for Cycle 3. The deadline is December, 1st. Details and registration form are available by the link

Follow our daily news on Facebook, Twitter @allianceforph



October 12, 2016

Meeting for specialists implementing rapid change model for the improvement of addiction treatment

Alliance in partnership with Yale University Medical School held a two-day meeting Academy for Ukrainian specialists in implementing rapid change model for the improvement of addiction treatment (NIATx-RCM) on October 56.

Twenty-three participants from 13 oblasts of Ukraine shared and received knowledge, experience, as well as agreed on the new emerging strategies for enrolling and retaining OAT patients, such as prescriptions and take home dosages, adequate dosing, scale-up, standard time dosage escalation protocol, and standardized intake information. The essence of NIATx-RCM lies in implementation and assessment of an evidence-based intervention to improve processes at OAT sites in order to improve the levels of client enrolment and retention in the program. The results of implementations of selected interventions will be presented during the next meeting.

The project is implemented in strong collaboration with Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy and Ukrainian Center for Disease Control.

More information on NIATx implementation at OAT sites is available at:

October 03, 2016

First newsletter about Hepatitis C in Ukraine

Alliance for Public Health presents the first newsletter “Hepatitis C: Response to the Epidemic.”

The newsletter contains the most up-to-date information on the possibilities of hepatitis C treatment in Ukraine, updated statistics on the number of people who have already received treatment with direct-acting antivirals, comments of experts, etc.

In the newsletter, you may also read about the most important events in the sphere of hepatitis C diagnostics and treatment which are held at the international level and define the new strategies and areas of response to the epidemic of hepatitis in the world.

The readers will learn more about the results and new developments of global advocacy campaign Unite to Eliminate and will have a chance to support the campaign initiatives in Facebook.

The newsletter will be released once a quarter. You may read the first issue here

September 19, 2016

Global Fund received funds for the next three years.

Global Fund has proven its effectiveness and received nearly US 13 billion for its work over the next three years.

Alliance for Public Health greatly welcomes the news which defines the response to AIDS, tuberculosis and Malaria for the three next years – donors pledged over US$12.9 billion to support the work of the Global Fund to end HIV, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics and transform the lives of millions.

Photo Marco Urban/Friends of the Global Fund Europe

Photo Marco Urban/Friends of the Global Fund Europe

We congratulate Global Fund’s leadership – Board Chairman Norbert Hauser and Executive director Mark Dybul – for establishing true global partnership which resulted in the increased governments’ pledges across the world. Global Fund proved to the donors its leadership in achieving incredible results and saving lives!” – said Andriy Klepikov, executive director of Alliance for Public Health. – “Being an implementer, we have demonstrated to the donors the convincing results of the Global Fund investment to Ukraine: the epidemic here is getting under control, HIV and TB incidence are declining.

The Global Fund funding in so critical for saving lives millions of people, and for protecting even more – especially key populations – from getting infected. This task is even harder in the context of challenging operating environment. Despite all the challenges, Alliance for Public Health continues to work in the conflict affected areas in Eastern Ukraine and in the annexed Crimea, supporting vitally important services there.

It should be acknowledged that the great work was done prior to the Replenishment conference resulted in its success. One of the recent events called “15 Years of Achievement. 15 Years ahead” was conducted on September 6 in Berlin by the Friends of the Global Fund Europe with the goal to support a fully funded Global Fund. Andriy Klepikov, Executive Director of Alliance for Public Health, presented Ukraine there with the case “Upholding health services in modern armed conflicts”. Eastern Europe and Central Asia remains the region with growing HIV epidemic, and with severe MDR TB burden, and Global Fund’s funding is really critical for our region.

Huge efforts were done by civil society organizations across the world in mobilizing governments’ contributions. Three civil society delegations – Developing Country NGO Delegation, Communities Delegation and Developed Country NGO Delegation – and their respective constituency members contributed a lot to the successful replenishment results. Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) led on supporting the voices for the field – from the affected communities.

Anton Basenko is one of them. “The Global Fund has already saved 20 million lives (mine included) and with this money will save 8 million more and will prevent 300 million new infections. But such a successful result would not be possible without the global advocacy efforts of partners, one of which is the Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN), in the Speakers Bureau of which, thanks to Alliance nomination, I was honored to represent the PWID/PLWH community of the EECA region as a person, on whose life the Global Fund programs had a vital impact, calling the governments of different countries to fully fund the Global Fund”, stated the activist Anton Basenko.

According to the Global Fund “The Replenishment Conference hosted by Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau in Montreal, raised nearly $1 billion more than the previous replenishment conference in 2013, and benefitted from participation by leaders from countries all over the world, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The United States led the pledging with US$4.3 billion, approximately one-third of total funding. The United Kingdom pledged £1.1 billion, the second-largest pledge for this replenishment period; France pledged €1.08 billion, maintaining their position as the second-largest donor to the Global Fund overall. Germany pledged €800 million, a 33 percent increase”. More information can be obtained from The Global Fund’s official press release on the replenishment.

