Our Team and Career
Organizational structure and governing system of the Alliance for Public Health is aimed at the effective implementation of integrated national programs to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other socially dangerous diseases.
Governing Bodies
The Alliance has three official governing bodies which define the basic principles of Alliance activities and regulate decision-making processes. The membership of all governing bodies has been revised to include leading Ukrainian and international experts in management, health care, law, economy, etc.; and representatives of both business and charitable/public sectors from several countries.
The General Meeting is the Alliance’s highest governing body. This is a strategic body responsible for defining key areas of Alliance activities.
The Governing Board is an executive body responsible, in particular, for determining the Alliance’s strategic objectives and its vision and mission; approving the annual work plan and budget; exercising control over the activities of the executive director and the Alliance senior management team, and approving the main internal policies of the foundation.
The Supervisory Committee is a controlling body which ensures constant supervision over financial accountability and compliance with corporate norms. It revises the adequacy of existing mechanisms to effectively manage Alliance resources, at the same time assessing financial risks which may be viewed as a threat to the Alliance, its beneficiaries and other interested parties.

Members of governing bodies

Short bios of members of governing bodies
The Alliance team includes over 100 staff members based in Kyiv.
Our team has deployed antiretroviral therapy programs, and implemented substitution maintenance therapy, pharmacy-based HIV prevention, and prevention among street children. Currently it focuses primarily on prevention among vulnerable groups. In addition to HIV prevention, the Alliance is implementing programs tackling tuberculosis (TB), viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases (STI). The Alliance regularly carries out research and supports innovative approaches and best practices in Ukraine and worldwide.
The Alliance structure consists of departments and teams:
- Executive Director
- Program Department
- Treatment, Procurement and Supply Management Department
- Policy and Partnership Department
- Organizational Development Department
- Office of Senior Advisor: Internal Audit, Risk Management and Compliance
- Finance and Admin Department
Current Vacancies
Consultancy competitions
Call for Consultants: Join the Digital Health Experts Pool
Competitive selection of specialists for conducting training on motivational counseling and interviewing for social workers within the project "Optimized Case Finding for HIV, Access, and Adherence to Treatment for People Who Inject Drugs and New Risk Groups in Ukraine (OCF)"
Competitive selection of specialists for conducting training on the provision of social services for military personnel, demobilized soldiers, and clients with PTSD for social workers within the project "Optimized Case Finding for HIV, Access, and Adherence to Treatment for People Who Inject Drugs and New Risk Groups in Ukraine (OCF)"
Competitive selection of monitoring consultants within the intervention "In-Depth Program Monitoring Without Prior Notice by Trained Program Monitors"
Coordinators for participation in the program 'Optimized HIV Case Finding with the Participation of Regional OCF Teams' supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in Kyiv, Kirovograd, and Odesa regions.
Social Workers/Social Issues Consultants for participation in the program 'Optimized HIV Case Finding with the Participation of Regional OCF Teams' supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in Kyiv, Kirovohrad, and Odesa regions.
Competitive selection of consultants – Administrative support consultant
Competitive selection of consultants – Coordinators for participation in the program 'Optimized HIV Case Finding with the Participation of Regional OCF Teams' supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in Kyiv, Kirovograd, and Odesa regions.
Competitive selection of consultants – Social Workers/Social Issues Consultants for participation in the program 'Optimized HIV Case Finding with the Participation of Regional OCF Teams' supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in Kyiv, Kirovohrad, and Odesa regions.
Consultant for Coordination of the Capacity Assessment of NGOs Process in the Regions for TB Advocacy and Service Delivery
Psychologist trainer for MCF project
Senior Project Officer: Data Quality and Research Coordinator
Competitive selection of specialists for conducting supervision for social workers of the project "Optimized Detection of HIV Cases, Access and Adherence to Treatment for People Who Inject Drugs in Ukraine (OCF)"
International Charitable Foundation " Alliance for Public Health" announces a tender for the selection of a consultant for coordination of the management of the electronic database of patients of the medical, social and psychological support project patients with TB/LSTB.
Competition to select an international consultant for Policy Brief Development on Integrated Service Models within Frontline Partnership
External financial consultant for MCF and OCF projectsExternal financial consultant for MCF and OCF projects
Competitive selection of consultants – Coordinators for participation in the program "Optimized HIV Case Finding with the Involvement of Regional OCF Teams" supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions.
Competitive selection of consultants – Social Workers/Consultants on Social Issues OCF CITI for participation in the program "Optimized HIV Case Finding with the Involvement of Regional OCF Teams" supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions.
Competitive selection of consultants – Social Workers/Consultants on Social Issues CIRI for participation in the program "Optimized HIV Case Finding with the Involvement of Regional OCF Teams" supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions.
Competition for the selection of a consultant for the creation of a video about the results of the project in Zaporizhia region (external consultants)
Competition for providing services of the assessor (interviewer) in Kharkiv within a research project "Preventing Mental Disorders Among Women Internally Displaced by War in Ukraine: SHAWL".
International Charitable Foundation "Public Health Alliance" announces a tender for the selection of a consultant for project coordination on medical, social and sychological support patients with TB/LSTB
Competition for providing consulting services of the regional coordinator (Kharkiv) within research project "Preventing Mental Disorders Among Women Internally Displaced by War in Ukraine: SHAWL"
Nurses MTP project Mobile Dentistry
Doctors dentists MTP project Mobile Dentistry
Internship and Volunteering
The Alliance for Public Health invites post graduates and graduates to take part in an internship program, or to become a volunteer of the foundation.
This is a unique opportunity to become part of one of the biggest charitable foundations in Ukraine working in the area of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis.
If you have any questions about internship or volunteering opportunities, please contact us at vacancy@aph.org.ua