Experience in SyrEx usage

Experience in SyrEx usage


“SyrEx system is using Unique Identifier Code (UIC) that will keep client data confidential at all times and it can easily detect the same UIC. Early detection of the same UIC will help to prevent data duplication. SyrEx system is a free system and user-friendly, which is suitable for NGOs on the ground level to use in HIV prevention work. There are specific columns for ARV treatment that are useful to observe the client’s treatment adherence. SyrEx allows doing comprehensive analysis for tracking the clients in terms of service delivery sites, services and referrals received as well as the number of contacts. SyrEx databases can be exported to Microsoft Excel which is useful for advanced analysis. There are referrals to link clients between services with clinics, hospitals and other government and private agencies for monitoring purposes. SyrEx is a strong monitoring and evaluation system that can provides timely and useful reports for all levels of the programme. It is easier for project coordinator to check the attendance of outreach workers based on the daily records (service delivery site & date).”

Tamayanty Kurusamy

M&E Manager, Program Division

Malaysian AIDS Council


“I would like to say that SyrEx database is very interesting and important for us in order to track our project activities and it even helps us in decision making. Simply said, SyrEx makes our working life easy and valuable.”

Aman Abdo

M&E Manager

Organization for Social Services, Health and Development, Ethiopia


“The software is unique and makes it easy to evaluate data in terms of gender, age and risk groups. The report wizard is very useful to trace any duplication, services and even the number of clients within a specified period of time, apart from those who attended consultations or meetings. For Alliance Myanmar, we are planning to use it in the coming projects for our own database management/reporting and analysis.”

Dr. Min Oo,

Programme Officer (Monitoring & Evaluation)

International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Myanmar



“Safeguard client anonymity and confidentiality, track services a client received from different providers and places over time; generate customized reports of unique individuals reached with services, service providers trained and community leaders supported – SyrEx does it all.”

Dr. David Bitira

Monitoring and Evaluation Manager

Community Health Alliance Uganda


“The SyrEx software as a program accountability tool played a key role in the expansion of the harm reduction program in Kenya in 2014. In 2012-2014, CAHR partners were the only funded organizations in Kenya implementing harm reduction programmes, including distribution of sterile needles and syringes and later safe disposal of the used commodities. SyrEx was used as the only reporting tool. After the CAHR project ended, KANCO and its implementing partners called for expansion of the harm reduction programme to reach 50% of PWID in Kenya. Before the Global Fund could yield to this request, they needed evidence of the PWID who were already reached with the services and of how much commodities each of them received in a month. SyrEx came in very handy to offer this information and lead the country to calculate to provide 200 needles and syringes per PWID per year. The Global Fund used this data to expand its support to 9,000 PWID by the end of 2017.

Thanks to SyrEx, currently the CAHR partners originally not being funded by the Global Fund are now receiving support for sterile needles and syringes from the Global Fund. CAHR PHASE 2 now focuses on complementing efforts through SRHR, overdose prevention and management, case management for PWID living with HIV, prevention and management of viral hepatitis and expanding harm reduction to new areas in Kenya that don’t have Global Fund support.”

Sylvia Ayon

Community Action on Harm Reduction Program Manager

Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium


“SyrEx allowed us to report effectively. Indeed, it avoids duplication; we can easily find a client even one year after his last visit, and we can follow the client visit frequency. Also as the data are cumulated when registered, the achievements are easily evaluated.”

Inamahoro Sylvana

ABCMAV, Burundi


“The use of SyrEx database has significantly simplified my task of managing the programmatic data. Indeed, our work has been considerably simplified and there has also been improvement in data quality, data analysis and reporting.”

M&E officer

l’Alliance Burundaise contre le SIDA


“SyrEx database management and reporting system has been used in HIV prevention projects in Belarus since 2008. Up to 2012, the database was used only in programmes providing services to PWID. Since April 2012, when the approaches to calculating coverage indicators were changed fundamentally, the SyrEx tool has been used by organizations working with PWID, SW and MSM to prepare reports.

With GF NFM, the year 2015 was a breaking point in terms of transition of activities to the governmental recipient. Alliance for Public Health provided support in assessing the existing programme monitoring system and updating its tools. Thus, in the beginning of 2016 transition was made to the new unique client codes, primary documents recommended to projects was updated, new forms for referrals to healthcare institutions to track services provided to the members of key populations were developed. An updated version of SyrEx was released, allowing to account for recoded clients, summarizing data for three-level data collection and reporting system. Arrangements were made to ensure recording of testing/screening, results, referrals to healthcare institutions, patients who sought medical care, were registered with relevant institutions, were initiated on treatment (HIV, STI, TB) based on client codes. An automated program report on the project was created (according to PF), with other reports modernized to receive data on various projects, recipients, sites, regions, clients, consumables, services, service providers, etc. for any period of time. In 2016, Alliance for Public Health conducted trainings for field specialists.”

Iryna Pashak

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

GFATM Grants Implementation Unit

Project “Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS in Belarus-3”

United Nations Development Programme


“The new version SyrEx-2 allowed creating a unified database of the projects aimed at HIV prevention among key affected populations, presenting data for the analysis at the national, regional level and by service delivery sites. The new coding system reduced the number of repeating codes and allowed getting more accurate data on the coverage with prevention services. Possibility to track referrals as well as screening and testing results considerably improved data collection system. Service delivery sites gave positive feedback on the possibility to account for all types of consumables and the variety of reporting forms.”

Denis Govorkov

M&E Officer of the GF Grant Management Team

Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Technologies, Informatization, Administration and Management of Health