‘Build the world we want: a healthy future for all’ is the slogan of this year’s Universal Health Coverage Day #UHCDay which is celebrated worldwide annually on December 12.
For a country which has been resolutely resisting the full-scale russian aggression and essentially fights for peace and democratic future for the whole world, this slogan takes a special meaning. ‘We in Ukraine are really building the world we want without trade offs. A world where every person has their rights, including the right to affordable quality health care’, says Zahedul Islam, Director of Treatment, Procurement and Supply Management department at the APH and a member of the Advisory Group of the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030.
For years, the Alliance for Public Health has been drawing attention of the authorities and the society to the topic of universal health coverage. In all areas of our work, we try to improve access to health and medical social services, especially for vulnerable populations. Two years ago, the APH made a review of the national legislation of Ukraine on HIV/TB/hepatitis and other aspects of protection of the rights and ensuring the access to health services for vulnerable populations. The review focused on legislation’s compliance with recommendations and commitments from the Political Declaration of the UN GA High Level Meeting on #UHC. Based on this review and in cooperation with the key national stakeholders, recommendations were produced and submitted for potential implementation to responsible central executive authorities and committees of the Parliament, as well as to international and non-government organizations for further advocacy.
‘Even though the situation in Ukraine now is very difficult because of the war and the energy terror which have already caused an acute humanitarian crisis and undermined the capacity of the health care system, we need to make our best efforts to ensure that every Ukrainian can receive affordable quality health services wherever they need them. And ahead of the new UN GA High Level Meeting on UHC in September 2023, we once again stress the importance of providing legal guarantees of unhindered access to health care services for all the citizens in the country’, Mr. Islam sums up.
We would like to thank all our partners from public authorities, health institutions and non-government organizations for their dedicated work to ensure access to diagnostic and treatment of socially dangerous diseases for people despite the hostilities and occupation, rocket attacks against peaceful cities and villages, traffic havoc, power shortage, and interruptions in heating and communications. Jointly, we will build the world we want!
Build the World We Want: A Healthy Future for All