November 30, 2015

Agreement of cooperation between Alliance of Public Health and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine

On November 30, 2015 Alliance of Public Health and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine signed an agreement on cooperation in the framework of the project “Capacity development for Quality Assured Gender Sensitive Harm Reduction Interventions in Ukraine“, which is implemented with the support of Expertise France 5% Initiative.

During the project activities will be focused on development and implementation of training programs on delivery of gender-sensitive public health services. Particular attention will be given to HIV/AIDS prevention services and delivery of social and medical services to key risk groups. Training programs will be used as a Continuing Professional Development of the state social services working with families, children, youth and social workers of the non-governmental sector. This partnership is one of the best examples of cooperation between state and non-governmental sectors.

November 29, 2015

Our New Name

One the eve of 15th anniversary we are changing name to Alliance for Public Health. We are continuing to be the Alliance, the name we are known to nearly everyone working in our sphere, at the same time the new name corresponds to the real scope of our work and correlates with our vision of the future.

Determination to address HIV/AIDS remains in the core of our work, but no longer as a stand-alone issue. With the new name we are in a stronger position to address HIV/AIDS epidemics as well as Tuberculosis and Hepatitis. It reflects our broader public health commitment and our expertise in driving innovations and bringing programs at scale to impact the epidemics and to ensure sustainability.

Our new logo transmits multiple meanings. It may be associated with the three diseases we are focusing on, it can be interpreted geographically, keeping in mind Alliance work in Ukraine, in the region and globally. The colors resonate with Alliance family colors. It is a clear and solid logo, which reflects our 15-years’ organizational experience. It is forward looking logo.

We have refreshed our web-site showing who we are today to serve as a reliable resource in our dynamic world. It is in the test mode, you can access it at

As Alliance for Public Health we will continue to support communities, to work in partnership with donors, civil society, governmental and international agencies to fulfill current tasks and effectively address future public health challenges.

November 19, 2015

Alliance Delivered Millions of Consumables for the Prevention Programs at the Areas of Donbas Outside Control of the Ukrainian Government

As agreed with the Global Fund and with the Health Sub-cluster of the WHO Country Office in Ukraine, Alliance delivered eight-month supplies of prevention materials, medical goods and a YEARLY supply of rapid tests to the areas of Donbas outside control of the Ukrainian Government! It took 3 big trucks to deliver those goods!

 The delivery included over 375 thousand condoms, 1.6 million disposable syringes, 1.9 million alcohol wipes, 27 thousand rapid tests for HIV, hepatitis and STIs, 200 thousand lubricants, etc. Test kits were delivered with a specially chartered refrigerator and those tests to be further delivered to Luhansk were packed in thermo boxes. This humanitarian delivery was effected in the time of serious complications in the activities of international humanitarian organizations and aggravation of the military conflict almost along the entire perimeter of the demarcation line.

All the approvals were received in advance, all moves of the trucks were agreed with the Antiterrorist Center, State Fiscal Service, and checkpoints of Sector B. Besides, the required formalities were coordinated with de facto authorities of the areas of Donbas outside control of the Ukrainian Government.

Today the supplies was unloaded in Horlivka and Makiyivka, with cargo delivered to the warehouse in Donetsk. Thus, 5 civil society organizations in Donetsk oblast and 1 organization in Luhansk oblast (in the areas not controlled by the central government) are provided with the required long-term supplies of consumables to implement prevention programs among the key affected populations!

Alliance expresses its sincere gratitude to all the partners at the territories controlled and not controlled by the Ukrainian Government for their help and support in the performance of this vital humanitarian operation.
