Opioid substitution therapy is the efficient method of opioid dependence treatment and one of the most efficient HIV/AIDS prevention ways. Currently the state takes leadership in OST program development and fully ensures the procurement of medicines.

To improve the quality and efficient treatment of opioid dependence, the ICF “Alliance of Public Health” in cooperation with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (СDС) and with the support of the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and by the technical support of the UNODC office in Ukraine translated into Ukrainian and published the «National Guidelines for Medication-Assisted Treatment of Opioid Dependence», of the Department of Health of Australia 2014).

Currently the printed copies are being delivered to HCFs, and the electronic version of the Guidelines is available at the link.

Thus, HCFs will be able to use this document on the facility level after its approval by the internal order of the HCF (according to the provisions of the Decree of the MoH of Ukraine No. 1422 dated 29.12.2016).

We express our gratitude to all partners contributing to the improvement of OST quality and sustainability in Ukraine – Public Health Center of the MoH of Ukraine, UIPHP, the Network of PLWH, UNODC, PEPFAR, civil society organizations and associations.