SyrEx Cloud

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SyrEx Cloud

SyrEx is an application developed by the Alliance for Public Health in 2004, and currently utilized in 17 countries across the world.

SyrEx is used to scan QR codes, fingerprints, and barcodes to identify clients and record information quickly. Services are selected on a screen, allowing field workers more time to interact with clients and provide services.

Physical files and notebooks are no longer needed to track services provided to clients in the field. SyrEx cloud allows users to concentrate on the substance of their work instead of on paper records.

Data appears in the database immediately when it is entered in the SyrEx app on a smartphone or tablet screen. There is no need to transport paper records to the office and retype data.

All data is continuously uploaded to cloud-based data storage when the mobile device is online. It is protected by the highest level of data security. All data is automatically synchronized with all mobile devices in the field; every field worker always has up-to-date information (such as a list of all clients, even if they were reached by other field workers). There is no risk of accidental data loss since there are no paper records involved in data storage.

The SyrEx app comes with a dashboard that is updated in real time when field-level information is uploaded from the mobile device. The dashboard provides summary information of field-level operations and can guide everyday activities, program planning, and monitoring. Data is continuously analyzed and can be summarized and provided in regularly customized reports.

The SyrEx app allows users to analyze data within a few moments and present descriptive information, frequencies and crosstabs automatically. More sophisticated analysis can be done by downloading the datasets as they build up.

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