December 14, 2017

Pakistan learns from Ukraine HIV response

World Health Organisation (WHO) headquarters requested a study tour to Ukraine for representatives of Ministry of Health, WHO and civil society of Pakistan to learn about HIV prevention, diagnosis and treatment services for people most at risk of HIV. WHO sees this as an excellent opportunity to show case Ukraine achievements and provide much needed assistance to other countries struggling with similar epidemics.

Dr Marthe Everard, WHO Representative and Head of WHO Country Office Ukraine is saying: ‘WHO congratulates Ukraine for its efforts in responding to one of the largest HIV epidemics in the European region. We recognize the critical role of civil society organizations in reaching those key populations most at risk of and affected by HIV. We are delighted to facilitate and support the sharing of the Ukrainian experience in delivering evidenced-based HIV prevention, testing and treatment services with countries in other regions such as Pakistan’.

The tour is being received in Ukraine 11-14 December, 2017, in Kyiv. During the visit Alliance for Public Health, PLHA Network and other NGOs, Centre of Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, AIDS and Narcology hospitals are visited and their experience shared with Pakistani specialists.

Special focus of the study tour is the technology to increase access to HIV treatment for people most at risk which is a global challenge. This technology was developed by Ukraine civil society organisations under the leadership of Alliance for Public Health and received international recognition. It is based on case management approach focusing on individual client’s treatment path. Alliance shared this learning during multiple international dialogues as well as supported introduction of these approaches in Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Kenya.

‘Current HIV treatment coverage in Pakistan is 7% and we are struggling to increase it, – says Dr Safdar Kamal Pasha of WHO Pakistan while in Kyiv. – It is really exciting what Ukrainians did to link people with HIV to care. We very much appreciate exchange with colleagues and will adapt this technology in Pakistan. Look forward to continuous collaboration’.

December 14, 2017

Action to International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers


On December 14th 2017 the street action dedicated to International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers was held on Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kyiv. During the action the sex-workers, human rights activists, representative of non-governmental organizations in the form of street performance demonstrated the current situation with the observance of the rights of one of the most marginalized categories of population in Ukraine, which have no less than 80 thousand people.

The action was organized by All-Ukrainian League ‘Legalife’ and Alliance for Public Health.

December 04, 2017

Memorandum of Cooperation signed with the Odesa City Council

On 4 December 2017, an official ceremony was held to sign a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Executive Committee of the Odesa City Council and the International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” (hereinafter – Alliance). This is an important step to deepen the cooperation within implementation of the relevant state programs to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis. The fact that the Memorandum has been signed personally my the Mayor of Odesa, Gennadiy Trukhanov, once more proves his strong commitment to countering socially significant diseases and positive trends in further coordination of the efforts of government authorities and civil society in response to the epidemics.

Alliance as an official co-implemented of the National Targeted Social Program to Counter HIV/AIDS in 2014–2018, in particular within the program “Investing for Impact against Tuberculosis and HIV” supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, making a significant contribution to curbing the epidemics in Odesa. In particular, in 2017 the amount of funding allocated to implement comprehensive interventions to counter the spread of the above-mentioned diseases is over UAH 28.8 million.

Every tenth Ukrainian citizen with HIV lives in Odesa. Odesa region and the city of Odesa have the highest HIV rate:  861.8 per 100 thousand people, which is over 2.5 times higher than the average national level (323.7 per 100 thousand people). However, thanks to the well-coordinated efforts of five civil society organizations, working in the city, HIV prevention services cover about 21 thousand people from among the key populations, with a clear trend towards reduction in the risky behaviors among the vulnerable groups, which contributes to lowering the risks of further HIV transmission in the general population.

Apart from the activities in the area of HIV/AIDS, Alliance also helps the city to counter the epidemics of tuberculosis and viral hepatitis. Medical and social support is provided to 500 patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Besides, Alliance helped the city to launch hepatitis C treatment with new-generation direct-acting antivirals Sovaldi and Harvoni for 24 patients.

Odesa became the only city in Ukraine to implement the program “Fast-track TB/HIV responses for key populations in EECA cities” (supported by the Global Fund) aimed at developing the models of sustainable city responses to the epidemics of HIV and TB in key populations to achieve 90-90-90 targets, which will help to reduce HIV and TB mortality rates and increase the municipal funding of the programs for key populations.

Besides, on this day another important document was signed – the Memorandum of Understanding on holding the City Health International Conference 2018 in Odesa. The City Health International Conference first held in 2012 is focused on the health and well-being of people and covers the topics of alcohol and drug use, healthy nutrition, safe sexual behavior and prevention of violence as well as other factors influencing public health in cities. Odesa will become the first city in the Eastern Europe, which will host this high-profile forum on 13-14 September 2018. Participation of Ukraine in this event opens new opportunities to resolve the public health issues at the city level and participation of the mayors from a number of European cities will become a powerful instrument to share the best practices and strengthen the role of local authorities in enhancing the health of people in the city.

At the signing ceremony, Alliance Executive Director, Andriy Klepikov said: “Alliance makes an essential contribution to the response to the epidemics of HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis in the region over 28 million hryvnias in 2017. Such funding allowed stabilizing the situation with HIV in Odesa. We are convinced that leadership of the Odesa Mayor, Gennadiy Trukhanov, will allow increasing allocations of funding from the city budget, launching innovations to prevent the spread of HIV, timely identify the existing HIV infections, and increasing the number of people who have access to vital therapy, such as antiretroviral treatment, opioid substitution treatment and hepatitis treatment in Odesa.”

December 01, 2017

Ukrainian patrol police action on World AIDS Day

On 1 December 2017, marking the World AIDS Day, for the first time in Ukraine patrol police officers of the capital city pinned the symbolic red ribbons on their uniform, when starting their shift on duty, and had voluntary anonymous testing for HIV and hepatitis C in specially equipped mobile clinics.

Co-organizers of the campaign were the Kyiv City Patrol Police Department and the Alliance for Public Health (hereinafter – Alliance), with involvement of Convictus Ukraine and Club Eney NGOs.

This is the first campaign to raise the awareness of patrol police officers on HIV, viral hepatitis and other socially dangerous diseases as in their routine work they often face high risks of such infections.

“Our task is to ensure the public security! Public security starts with the personal safety of the patrol police officer, who faces serious risks, in particular related to socially dangerous diseases, such as tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, and HIV, when performing his everyday duties in the street. Today, by our personal example, we demonstrate to our fellow citizens the importance of prevention and personal protection, which starts with a simple and painless procedure rapid tests for HIV and hepatitis C. We care about the health and safety of the patrol policemen, who take care of the public security and public health!” underlined in his speech at the press briefing Oleksiy Biloshytskyi, First Deputy Head of the Patrol Police Department.

Today a media campaign “HIV is dangerous as long as you don’t know about it!” has been launched in Ukraine. It is very symbolic that the officers of Kyiv patrol police, first among the Ukrainian law enforcers, today wear the traditional red ribbons and are tested for HIV with rapid tests. Every tenth of the 15 thousand new HIV cases registered this year was registered in Kyiv. Rapid test for HIV or hepatitis C is a rapid and effective procedure, which so far has not become routine for our people. However, only a test may show presence of the virus in a human body, and timely initiation of the treatment allows HIV-infected people to live long and happy lives. Modern drugs give an opportunity for people with hepatitis C to cure their disease just in 3 months. Alliance welcomes the readiness of the Patrol Police administration to hold such campaigns and hopes for further productive cooperation!” said Andriy Klepikov, Executive Director of the Alliance for Public Health.

“The success in implementation of the National Program to Counter HIV/AIDS depends of the effective cooperation among the law enforcement agencies, health and social services, and civil society organizations. Such cooperation may be established only as partnership aimed at improving the conditions to provide people vulnerable to HIV and other infections vital prevention, treatment and support services. UNODC, UNAIDS and other UN agencies contribute to building such partnership. Law enforcement agencies play a vital role in protecting and enhancing public health. Knowing your status, drawing the attention of people who may be infected to ensure their timely access to treatment those are our vital issues!” summed up Rostyslav Havrylov, Coordinator of the UNODC Office in Ukraine.

During the campaign, each patrol team received special notebooks and pads to fill in working documents, which, at the same time, contain useful information about governmental and non-governmental services to prevent HIV and other socially dangerous diseases. Working with the members of key populations, such as people who inject drugs and sex workers, Alliance registered numerous cases of prejudiced attitude to them from the side of police and various problems, which often were based on the lack of accurate information and contacts. In the recent year, Alliance representatives held numerous workshops for the staff of the National Police to tell about the human rights and interests of the key populations and present current regulations in this area. Now every team of the patrol police will have telephone numbers of the hotlines on HIV, tuberculosis and substitution treatment, contact details of civil society organizations and social services working with vulnerable populations. It should make the work of patrol police officers easier and contribute to faster resolution of problematic situations, which may arise when performing their duties.

The campaign supports the key messages of the global UNAIDS campaign dedicated to the World AIDS Day, My Health, My Right (#myrighttohealth)

Alliance for Public Health is a leading Ukrainian civil society organization, co-implementer of the National Targeted Social Program to Counter HIV/AIDS and recipient of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Although the main activities of the Alliance are aimed at HIV prevention in the key populations, it also pays considerable attention to working with the general population as well as with defense and law enforcement agencies the Ministry of Defense and the National Guard as well as the National Police of Ukraine. Promotion of HIV testing is one of the important tasks of Alliance as according to the official statistics blood-to-blood transmission of HIV, which was typical for Ukraine in the first decade of the epidemic, is no longer prevailing according to the recent statistic data, over 70% of people get infected through sexual contacts. In 2017, within the programs implemented by Alliance 237 thousand people were tested for HIV in all regions of Ukraine, with 7.8 thousand (3.3%) positive test results! The biggest share of HIV positive results were detected in Kyiv city as well as Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk and Odesa regions.   

December 01, 2017

Campaign “HIV is invisible. Get tested and save life!”

Every second HIV-positive Ukrainian, namely 50%, does not know about his/her status. In Europe, only about 20% of people do not know about their status.

Currently, the highest HIV prevalence in Europe is registered in Ukraine; according to estimates, 238 000 people of all ages had HIV at the beginning of 2017.

The All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH and the Alliance for Public Health have come together for the common purpose of removing an unofficial taboo on HIV/AIDS, raising awareness of the various HIV testing possibilities and encouraging people to test in any way convenient for them:

– At official testing sites. On the website  , you can find the nearest testing sites using geolocation.

– Individually, using rapid HIV test. How to get tested using self-test within 15 minutes is explained in detail on the website

– Using the online test on the website    or using the mobile HIV test application, which will identify the risks of infection and advise you to be tested for HIV in reality, if necessary.

“Ukraine has a real chance to stop the epidemic. For the first time, we have conditions when free modern treatment is available to patients with HIV, which allows them to live a full life. The main challenge today is the public’s awareness of its status,” said Dmytro Sherembey, the Head of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH. “It is important for people to realize that ignoring HIV is deadly. The sooner you detect the disease, more quickly you start the therapy, which is the key to save health and life. We have specially developed a mobile HIV test application that will allow anyone to evaluate the risk of infection anonymously and find out where and how to get tested for HIV.”

“The major task today is to draw people’s attention to the necessity of timely and regular testing for HIV. It’s simple, just as never before,” said Andriy Klepikov, the Executive Director of the Alliance for Public Health. “Testing can be absolutely anonymous both in health care institutions and independently; rapid HIV tests for self-testing are becoming more popular and accessible.”

In 2016, the World Health Organization recommended self-testing as one of the most effective methods to access HIV testing services, especially among at-risk populations and young people. On the website, you can receive information about basic steps of self-testing, find out where to find the test system and what to do in case of a positive result.

Since November 15, an all-Ukrainian social and information campaign “HIV is Invisible. Get Tested and Save Life!” has started in the form of outdoor teaser social advertising in the largest cities of Ukraine and on the Internet.

Especially for the campaign, vivid and extraordinary visual solutions have been developed to attract the public’s attention by raising interest in the topic and further revealing the idea in the pleaser part of the campaign.

Teaser part of the campaign: (15-30 November):

Pleaser part of the campaign (1-31 December):









The main campaign will last from 1 to 31 December and include webinars and flash mobs for young people with the participation of well-known people, as well as promotion on the Internet and in social networks, and also the opportunity to take a free anonymous HIV test in mobile laboratories in Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipro, and Zaporizhzhia.

About the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH:

The All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS is the largest patients’ organization in Ukraine. The aim of the organization is 100% access to treatment for each patient in Ukraine. We strive for improving the quality of life for HIV-positive people and fully promoting the rights and responsibilities of citizens living with HIV. Together with our partners, we are actively working to stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic, as well as hepatitis and tuberculosis in Ukraine. More information you can find on the website: or on the Facebook page

About the Alliance for Public Health:

The Alliance for Public Health is a leading professional organization that fights the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine through the implementation of HIV prevention programmes and provision of qualified technical support in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, other government agencies and non-governmental organizations. More information you can find on the website: or on the Facebook page:

November 30, 2017

Visit on medication assisted treatment by family doctors in Germany

On November 20th -24th, within the project “Improved Quality and Sustainability of Medication Assisted Treatment in Ukraine” it was conducted professional development visit of Ukrainian delegates to Berlin, Germany. The aim of the visit was to learn about best practices in the area of Medication Assisted Treatment (hereinafter — MAT) at primary healthcare level, as well as prevention programs as a response to HIV in key populations.

The representatives of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, regional Departments of Health from PEPFAR priority regions, SI “Center for Public Health of the MOH of Ukraine”, National Police of Ukraine (Department on Combating Drug-Related Crimes), Shupyk National Medical Academy on Postgraduate Education were participants of the 5-day visit.

Ukrainian delegates had an opportunity to visit German establishments in Berlin related to development of policy and establishment of organizational aspects to service provision in the areas of prevention and treatment of drug addiction and other social diseases: The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, The German Medical Association, NGOs, family doctors, who provide MAT program, supervised drug consumption room, Charite University Hospital, where patients are treated with diamorphine (Heroine Substitution Treatment).

During the visit, the participants learned about harm reduction interventions for injection drug users, prevention and treatment of HIV and HCV, issues on service organization, staff training programs, QMIS of MAT at primary health care level. Also, the system of psychosocial support for MAT patients was analyzed.

As of the end of 2016, the number of MAT patients in Germany was 78 5000 people where the approximate number of people with opioid dependency varies from 150 000 to 200 000 people. Patients can receive treatment with all available medications, including diamorphine in conjunction with psychosocial and rehabilitation programs. In such case, financing of treatment is carried out by various entities: federal states, retirement and health insurance institutions, municipalities, communities, charitable foundations.

The visit enabled to discuss the issues on development and functioning of MAT in Ukraine that need to be improved, the possibility of applying best practices ensuring the sustainability and quality of services in the context of primary health care reform, decentralization and regional peculiarities.

We also express our gratitude to our German partners from Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe for helping us in meeting organization, assisting delegates during the visit and helping to learn in-depth peculiarities of the healthcare system in Germany.

The Project “Improved Quality and Sustainability of Medication Assisted Treatment in Ukraine” is a five-year project funded by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The purpose of this Project is to provide targeted technical assistance to medication assisted therapy programs in Ukraine and stimulate its development in order to improve sustainability and quality of programs and long-term health and social outcomes of MAT clients.

November 26, 2017

Module 2 of the 4th Cylce of Harm Reduction Academy taking participants to Mombasa

On 20 – 24 November, 2017 Alliance for Public Health organised the second module of Harm Reduction Academy, Cycle 4. The module took place in Mombasa (Kenya) and participants learnt about monitoring, evaluation and research. Organisation of this module was possible with the support from Kenya partner organisations: Kenya Red Cross Society, Government of Kenya (National police), Reachout Centre Trust and MEWA. After theoretical part participants had a chance to work on group assignments and apply theory into practice.

HRA alumni from Kenya helped to organise site visits and participants learnt how harm reduction programme work in the costal part of Kenya. They visited drop-in centres, opioid substitution therapy sites, went for outreach to see how services are provided on the ground, visited the prison and probation services.

Here is the feed-back from some of our participants: «Great balance of theory and practice through keeping and showing the big picture in monitoring and evaluation and seeing some of the details.»

«That was really great to have ppt presentations and site visits. They were awesome and I liked the team building exercises»

The next module will take place in Kuala Lumpur and will be on policy, advocacy, community mobilisation and empowerment.

The application for Cycle 5 is already open and everybody who wish to start an exciting learning journey with Harm Reduction Academy are welcome to learn more about it and apply by 15 January, 2018.

November 24, 2017

Broad stakeholders’ consultation on the roll out of the assessment tools to address gender barriers and key populations in TB took place on November 24, 2017

The results of the assessments on gender barriers and key populations in the context of tuberculosis conducted in Ukraine within the project by the Alliance for Public Health in collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership will inform the national TB policy and programs. This message was voiced by Andriy Klepikov in his welcome speech at the stakeholders meeting within the project “Communities, Rights and Gender Tools Assessments for TB in Ukraine”, which was held in Kyiv on 24 November 2017.

In her presentation, the project manager, Yuliya Chorna, emphasized the importance of this study both at the global and national levels. She pointed out that in the course of the study its organizers expect to find out, which gender barriers exist in TB diagnostics and treatment and what should the effective services for women, men and people with other gender identities look like to help them go through the long treatment course successfully. The speaker also emphasized that Ukraine was the only country from our region, which was present at the workshop of the STOP TB Partnership earlier this year to present the study tools, and thus it plays a key role in the roll out of the assessment tools in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

At the beginning of the meeting, Natalia Spivak legal consultant of the STOP TB Partnership and Serhii Kondratiuk, APMG Health consultant delivered overview presentations on the assessment of the national regulatory framework in the area of TB and relevant human rights barriers.

Representative of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, Serhii Platov said that the Ministry is ready to work together with the outcomes of the study initiated by Alliance. Olha Klymenko, a former TB patient, told that her treatment as well as the life of her family could be much better if she was offered ambulatory needs-based treatment at the first place.

In the second part of the meeting, informative presentations on the situation with TB morbidity and treatment were offered by Yana Terleyeva, Head of Ukrainian Center for Socially Dangerous Diseases Control, State Institution “Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” and Alliance consultants, Kateryna Maksymenko and Lilia Masiuk. Representatives of the Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy initiated a discussion of the study tools and presented the results of discussions in groups as well as in the broader circle of participants.

During the group activities, there was a heated discussion on how to define the key populations in terms of tuberculosis. It is important to mention that men face a higher risk of tuberculosis than women. Most of the participants said that the risk groups should include people with TB/HIV co-infection; migrants/refugees/internally displaced persons; urban population below the poverty line/rural population below the poverty line. We expect that the study will offer a well-justified response to this question.

This research study is based on the tools developed by the STOP TB Partnership: the TB/HIV Gender Assessment Tool (STOP TB & UNAIDS) and the Data for Action Framework on key, vulnerable and underserved populations. Two focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with target populations will be held. It is expected that the results of this research will be presented in Kyiv in mid-December 2017 and will be a source of the vital information to strengthen the national response to TB and TB/HIV.

November 21, 2017

2nd Eurasian Gender Academy 2017 in Tbilisi

From November 20 to 22, 2017, the 2nd Eurasian Gender Academy taking place in Tbilisi (Georgia), which unites 21 participants from seven countries: Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Russia. Within the framework of the academy, two professional trainers from Alliance for Public Health – Varban Marina and Badalyan Karen will familiarize participants with significant topics of gender. Topics include the foundations of gender theory, the concept of gender roles, gender mainstreaming, gender equality and human rights, concepts and peculiarities of gender stereotypes, interrelationships between gender and culture, gender peculiarities in communities, etc.

“Gender Academy will combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills of gender analysis in the provision of health services to target groups. It is very good that there are professionals of various specialties and experience among the participants of the academy, which will provide an opportunity to share new ideas and experiences.» – mentioned Varban Marina

November 20, 2017

Study visit of EECA region Mayors to Bern

On November 14th-17th, delegations from Balti, Chisinau (Moldova), Odesa (Ukraine) and Sofia (Bulgaria) conducted a study and knowledge-sharing visit to Bern (Switzerland) to learn about the experience and best practices in building successful and sustainable city models of responses to HIV in key populations. The group of 23 people included representatives of “Fast-Track TB/HIV responses for key populations in EECA cities” project implementing NGOs, partner NGOs, AIDS and TB services, City Health Departments, Members of City Councils, the police and representatives of the key populations.

During the study visit to Bern, licit, CONTACT, the city of Bern and other partners contributed their expertise in establishing a pragmatic and coherent drug policy on national, county and city levels; in innovative harm reduction interventions on HIV, HCV, night life, substitution, safe injection rooms, social enterprises, housing and cooperation with the police for more security in the public space; in the role in designing municipal and county funding and cooperation approaches to support harm reduction, HIV, TB and viral hepatitis interventions.

The delegations had an extensive agenda: the participants visited harm reduction NGOs, counselling centre for sex workers, work integration programs, clinic for addiction and substitution treatment, the Ministry of Health, Bern regional prison where condom, syringe distribution, and OST are available, a pharmacy where PWID have access to OST, a safe injection room, where people can consume drugs, and have access to other services including shower, laundry, healthy and tasty food, and counselling.

The study visit ended with a meeting with the Mayor of Bern, Alec von Graffenried, who stated that only cooperation between the Municipality, the police and NGOs could lead to such successes in response to the HIV/TB epidemic as in Bern.

Summarizing the study visit, the Mayor of Odesa Gennadiy Truhanov said: “We need to change the mentality and philosophy of our people. We will definitely use Bern experience and the changes that were made within the last 30 years with drug use and HIV to change the situation in Odesa for the better. Unfortunately, today we treat people who use drugs as criminals, but we should treat them as sick and addicted people”. Inspired by the Bern drug policy experience, the Mayor Truhanov promised to open a safe consumption room in Odesa that will become the first one in the EECA region.

The Mayor of Balti, Ihor Sheremet thanked the Mayor of Bern Alec von Graffenried for the fantastic drug programs that have been implemented in the city, and stated that implementing them in Balti will be much easier because Balti needs only to ‘copy and paste’ the 30-year experience of Bern. Mr Sheremet promised to share with the Mayor of Bern an action plan to open a safe consumption room in Balti.

Irena Dimitrova from Sofia Municipality in her speech emphasized that the delegation from Sofia during the study visit was really impressed with the scope and the level of services offered to the members of key populations in Bern and said that she hopes that upon her return to Sofia she will be able to ensure that the services for drug users are more patient-centered. She also hopes that Bulgaria will be able to achieve the same level of cooperation between the municipality, the law enforcers and the NGOs as in Bern.

“Fast-Track TB/HIV responses for key populations in EECA cities” project will further support the cities in implementing their ambitious plans during 2018-2019.

“Fast-Track TB/HIV responses for key populations in EECA cities”  is the Global Fund funded EECA regional project of Alliance for Public Health (Ukraine), AFEW International (The Netherlands), licit and Stop TB Partnership (Switzerland) under technical guidance of UNAIDS EECA office which is there to support city responses to HIV and TB in key populations in the five cities of EECA: Almaty (Kazakhstan), Balti (Moldova), Odesa (Ukraine), Sofia (Bulgaria) and Tbilisi (Georgia). The project will be implemented throughout 2017-2019 and plans to develop efficient and sustainable city models of HIV/TB responses that would allow to reduce AIDS and TB mortalities in the project cities as well as increase the allocation of city funding to HIV/TB interventions for key populations.

