On July 15-16, over 90 physicians, implementers, and researchers from 22 countries gathered in Dubai, UAE to discuss implementation strategies for an integrated approach to seeing out and treating both TB disease and TB infection. Among the group were representatives from ‘Fast-Track HIV/TB responses for key populations in EECA cities’ project and Alliance for Public Health. The group first reviewed the scientific evidence showing that actively searching for and treating both TB disease and TB infection is necessary to eliminate TB, presenting case studies from both historical and recent examples. Representatives from several coalitions including Zero TB Karachi, Zero TB Bangladesh, and TB Free Chennai then presented the ways in which they have designed and implemented integrated programs to search for and treat both TB infection and TB disease, highlighting the practical considerations important in designing such programs. The Zero TB Initiative (ZTBI) is working across the world to create islands of elimination with strong local partners in high-burden areas. You can learn more about the initiative here. The Heads of TB Service from Almaty, Odesa, Sofia and Tbilisi and the Head of Health from Balti shared information on TB programs in their cities among each other and identified ways to improve the situation with TB in the cities.
July 17, 2018
Workshop ‘Zero TB Initiative: Strategies to eliminate TB one community at a time’ conducted in Dubai