On July 28, 2016 the Alliance of Public Health jointly with partner organizations carried out the traditional all-Ukrainian information and awareness event within the framework of “We Demand Treatment!” campaign in all the oblasts of Ukraine. The key message of this year’s event was the request to ensure efficient treatment with direct-acting antivirals.
The following speakers participated in the press briefing at the all-Ukrainian public event in the city of Kyiv:
– Executive Director of the Alliance of Public Health Andriy Klepikov.
– Chief consultant specialist on the infectious diseases of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MoH), Head of the Department for Infectious Diseases of O. Bohomolets National Medical University Olha Holubovska, MD, PhD.
– Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) office in Ukraine Oleksiy Bobryk.
– Patients with HCV who currently completed the treatment or are still waiting for it.
195 people passed hepatitis C screening tests, 15% of results were positive. All people who have received positive results of rapid test were consulted by doctor and received information on further steps in the diagnosis.
The action received wide coverage in the media:
‘Kyiv’ TV company (was on news programm at 21.00).
Official press relealse of the action.