About Alliance
About the Alliance
The International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” (formerly known as the International Charitable Foundation “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine” until November 2015) (hereinafter – Alliance) is a leading non-governmental professional organization making a significant impact on the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis and other socially dangerous diseases in Ukraine. In cooperation with state partners and civil society organizations, it provides financial and technical support to programs, covering over 250,000 representatives of most vulnerable populations:the highest such coverage indicator in Europe.
In 2018 Alliance received international accreditation from the Frontline AIDS (UK). Alliance has received the highest professional accreditation to confirm that it complies with nine principles in the areas “Governance and Sustainability”, “Organisational Management” and “HIV Programming” based on 38 standards. Currently it is the only organization in Eastern Europe and Central Asia with such accreditation.
Alliance History
The Alliance for Public Health (Alliance) started operating at the end of 2000 as an international technical assistance project within the Transatlantic HIV Prevention Initiative supported by the US Agency for International Development and the European Union (2000 – 2004).
As an independent legal entity registered in Ukraine since 2003 and upon establishing its own governing bodies in January 2009, the Alliance shares the values, and remains a member of, the Frontline AIDS global partnership – an international charitable foundation uniting 33 organizations from different countries with its secretariat in Hove (UK).
Since its establishment, the Alliance has demonstrated sustainable organizational development. It makes a daily, uninterrupted contribution to combating the epidemic. Over the last decade our contribution has been the most significant in Ukraine, which makes the Alliance a leader in supporting the state in the fight against AIDS. The program implemented by Alliance and its partners is described by WHO as one of the best practice examples to HIV prevention in Europe.
The Alliance has deployed antiretroviral therapy programs and implemented substitution maintenance therapy, pharmacy-based HIV prevention, and prevention among street children. The Alliance regularly conducts research and facilitates innovative approaches and best practices in Ukraine and worldwide.
The Alliance is the official co-implementer of the National Targeted Social Program to Fight HIV/AIDS in 2014 – 2018 approved by the Supreme Council of Ukraine on 20 October 2014.
Our Mission is to improving health and the quality of life of the most disadvantaged communities through the development and delivery of cutting-edge impactful public health and crisis response interventions built on principles of person-centeredness, inclusivity, human rights, and sustainability
Our Vision is of a world in which people do not become infected with HIV and do not die of AIDS, and where local communities have brought HIV/AIDS under control.
Strategic Alliance Objectives for 2024–2026
Policies and Procedures
Alliance employees are expected to meet the highest standards of ethical conduct, competency and professionalism and at all times comply with the Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest, Whistle-Blowing and Anti-Fraud Policies. The Code of Ethics brings together some key expectations and principles regulating the professional practice of employees with respect to inter alia external relationships; behavior towards colleagues; confidentiality and duty of disclosure; gifts, entertainment and payments. Any employee has to meet fundamental requirements: integrity, respect of dignity and diversity, and loyalty. The Conflict of Interests Policy helps all employees and others acting on the organization’s behalf to identify, disclose, and address conflicts of interest in their activity. Any employee who has observed illegal, unlawful or unethical conduct or a breach of applicable procedures of the Alliance has a right, as well as a duty and a moral obligation to report such conduct in accordance with the organization’s Whistle-blowing Policy. The Alliance will support concerned employees and take action to protect them from reprisals and victimization. The Anti-Fraud Policy codifies the Alliance and its employees’ commitment to maintain high legal and ethical standards. All employees have a duty to act honestly and with integrity at all times, and to report any suspected fraudulent activity without delay in accordance with the Whistle-Blowing Policy. Every incident of fraud will be treated with zero tolerance.
Alliance Reports
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At the opening of AIDS 2024, Andriy Klepikov’s speech received a standing ovation
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